Last night we were all home just hangin out. SUPERSTAR was a little too comfortable, he was shirtless. Now I know there are some who don't mind this at all. But, it is something that bothers me and I put shirtless boys into the "less than modest" category. So, in an effort to enforce my modesty value I asked him to put on a shirt. He was in a very goofy mood and played "mocho man" showing off his "guns" and "six pac" getting everyone to laugh and poke fun. Finally, I laid it out and insisted that he put on a shirt.
A couple of minutes go by and he comes "prancing" into the room, stifeling a crazy contageous laugh. He has returned with a shirt on. My 15 year old, almost 16 year old, son was wearing his 9 year old sister's shirt, stretched tight, belly exposed. We all looked up. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, everyone else "busted a gut". He could not contain his laugh a second longer and he burst out laughing, totally cracking himself up, rolling on the floor with gut busting howls.

Yep, He's a GOOF BALL!
A couple of minutes go by and he comes "prancing" into the room, stifeling a crazy contageous laugh. He has returned with a shirt on. My 15 year old, almost 16 year old, son was wearing his 9 year old sister's shirt, stretched tight, belly exposed. We all looked up. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, everyone else "busted a gut". He could not contain his laugh a second longer and he burst out laughing, totally cracking himself up, rolling on the floor with gut busting howls.

Yep, He's a GOOF BALL!
What a crack up!!
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