Monday, July 7, 2008

Day One (two, actually)

It's been really quiet around here. I mentioned that last week in church we were challenged to keep the TV and video games off for a month. This challenge started yesterday. Sunday was not a big deal, we don't generally watch much TV on Sundays so it wasn't missed yesterday. has been quite a bit different. Everyone seems to wander around -sort of in a stupor - waiting for something to happen that could spark interest somewhere. My kids are not complaining or asking to turn on the TV (which I find remarkable) but, the reading hasn't caught on in the same quantity as TV watching does.

This morning when I got up SUNSHINE AND SUGAR were playing Settlers of Catan (usually SUGAR is the first up to turn on the TV). TV off.

When everyone was up we had a bit of a family conference. Together we talked about a schedule for family reading and what book we'll start with, scripture reading as a family and as individuals etc. But I must is very quiet without the TV.

SUNSHINE wanted to read the new book by Rick Riordan (4th in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series) "The Battle of the Labyrinth". When we went to the library (the small, small town library close by) we had a rather fruitless search for specific books. I think it's been raided by the many other people who have taken on this challenge. Anyway, "The Battle of the Labyrinth" had something like 350 holds placed on it. So this afternoon I took her to Barnes and Noble (she had a gift card left from Christmas). She's been reading it all afternoon and is about half finished. She may just read 500,000 pages herself.

I began read Artimus Fowl to SUGAR, we're on chapter 4. I had no idea Artimus was a bad guy, crazy, I thought with a name like Artimus he'd be a mentor good-guy type. Oh well.

We read Ruth from the New Testament after dinnner together.

Tomorrow we go into the "BIG CITY" to visit the library there. Hopefully we'll have more success.


tammy said...

So great that your kids aren't complaining about the TV being off. Sometimes mine forget how much they actually like to read until I force them to sit down and do it. And then sometimes I can't get them to close their books and go to sleep at night.

Lisa said...

My oldest loves the Artimus Fowl books! Hope you do too!