9:30 Take SUPERSTAR to high school for BBall game.
9:40 Take SUGAR to SBall practice. Watch she and SWEETHEART practice catching until coach shows
10:00 Go to store to purchase items needed to make cake and a pretty platter to donate with the cake. No fresh raspberries - "heck" frozen will have to do.
10:30 Put cake in the oven for BBall fundraiser later tonight
11:00 Begin cleaning house in preparation for SUPERSTAR'S group (for speech class) to meet.
House is a wreck!
11:30 DARLING HUSBAND calls and asks me to meet him at Staples to prepare the advertisement for a donation of 4 night stay at Tamarack (for the fundraiser tonight). He has to get to Nampa for a golf tournament that begins at 12:30
11:40 At Staples working in Microsoft Publisher to create photos, text, etc. for color copies of booklet that will show of the Tamarack property. DARLING HUSBAND calls. He left his clubs in the car. "I'm at the course and I don't have time to go all the way back to the house and get back in time. Will you please go to the house, get my clubs and meet me on Chinden Rd?" No he's not kidding. "Why don't you just bag it?" If he bags it his golf partner misses the tournament too. Go the the house, get clubs, drive down Chinden, meet DARLING HUSBAND, give clubs.
11:55 pick up SUGAR from practice
12:00 SUPERSTAR'S games starts - I'm no where close to being there.
12:20 SUGAR practice finally ends
12:30 Get SUGAR back home
12:40 Back at Staples working on Publisher. Finally get it ready to print. Staples "Girl" says, "the color printer on photo paper could take a while. I'll call you when its ready."
1:30 Starving. Stop at Wendy's get a burger
1:40 Begin to drive toward the game. I am supposed to have the Tamarack "stuff" to give to Lisa at the game. It's not ready. I plan to tell her I will bring it with me to the fundraiser with the cake. SUPERSTAR calls - the game is over. 10 run'd them only played 5 innings.
2:00 Pick SUPERSTAR up
2:10 Scramble to get kids to help pick up the house. House still a wreck!
2:45 Take SWEETHEART to Softball Practice
3:00 Prepare Fudge frosting and frost the cake. Thaw raspberries, place strategically and beautifully around the cake and on top. Drizzle white icing in curvy circles around berries and over the cake. BEAUTIFUL. Put cake in fridge.
4:oo House is less of a wreck. Close laundry room door.
4:30 Call Staples. "How are my color copies coming along?" oops, co-worker printed and did not notice a line across all copies. "You could come down and look at them. I think there is a problem with the copy machine and the way the paper is being fed in."
4:40 At Staples. Yep, nasty line on photos. Lots of options discussed. End up taking all the copies (no charge). Will decide tomorrow how to deal with the problem.
5:00 SWEETHEART'S practice ends. I'm not there yet. Yesterday she asked me to be there early so that she could get to a suprise party for a friend at 5:30. She calls, "How close are you mom?" "I'll be there in 10 min" I HATE being late. SUPERSTAR'S study group begins. I had hoped to be able to help. SUPERSTAR was upset about the goup he was put with and did not trust the follow-thru of individuals. Instead, I'm no help at all. I'm hardly even there.
5:10 pick up SWEETHEART. She gets in shower and says she will be ready at 5:50 and then I can take her and Haley to the party.
5:20 Look at cake. Raspberries has turned to mush, raspberry 'mush juice' puddled on the cake, smeared in the icing. Cake looks like CRAP!

5:25 Mother-in-law calls. Brother-in-law in town, dinner tonight at her house. I must tell her there's no way. I complain about my cake. She suggests buying one from Pastry Perfection. GOOD IDEA. Leave to buy new cake. (After all it is 10 min away) I can be back before SWEETHEART needs ride.
5:35 Buy beautiful coconut lemon cake.
5:50 SWEETHEART calls. I'm nearly home. "Mom, since you weren't here Hayley called Skip. He's going to take us to the party". "I'm sorry"
6:00 Scoop chocolate cake off pretty platter, wash pretty plater, take coconut cake out of box, drizzle icing in swirls on to platter, put new cake on plater, sprinkle coconut so it "looks" like I could have made it. Take photo copies (with funky line) put in a report cover. Looks OK. Print directions to fundraiser from mapquest.com
6:20 leave with new cake and color copie Tamarack thing. Mapquest says will take 15 min. Fundraiser starts at 6:30 (10min). Drive one block, realize I forgot to grab purse, turn around and get purse.
6:30 Still driving. I think I'm lost. Yep, not right. Turn around. In a rush, going too fast, police car, flashing lights. I asked him for directions... Thank you for the verbal warning. What a nice man.
7:00 Still driving. I think I'm lost. Yep, not right. Text DARLING HUSBAND nasty messages and curse his golf tournament.
7:15 Crying. SUPERSTART calls. "We're done with our group. Could you take someone home then drop me off at SWEETHEART'S party?" "Yes, I'm almost home."
7:30 Take kid home, Take SUPERSTAR to party, phone dies.
Still yet to do:Prepare Sunday Lesson
Study for professional development test to be taken Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday.
Fold and Hang laundry
Cake and Tamarack Donation never made it to the fundraiser. I'm certain that I now appear like an even bigger "flake" than they thought I was before.
Now I have two cakes. It's a good thing I like being 20lbs over weight.

So, how was YOUR day?