The Smile Award Rules:
1. You must link back to the award's creator. (I'm not sure how to do this so here's the link - I think?)
2. Post these rules.
3. Choose 5 people to pass this award along to.
4. Fit the award recipient characteristics posted by the award's creator.
5. Post the recipient characteristics.
6. Create a post sharing your win with others.
7. Thank your giver.
The Smile Award Recipient Characteristics:
1. Must be known for a cheerful attitude
2. Must love one another
3. Must make mistakes
4. Must learn from others
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world
6. Must love life
7. Must love kids
I lovingly bestow this award on the following qualified recipients:
1. Kristen at Just Breathe
2. Angie at Leaping thru Life
3. Lisa at A Backstage Pass
4. The Narrator at Stories For Us
5. Tammy at Time Flies
Thank you, my blogisphere friends, for bringing smiles to me! :)
Hi there! Thank you so much for the award. I'm glad my blog makes you smile. After going through your blog for some hint of a name, or a connection, I'm coming up blank.
Do I know you? How did you find my blog? Do we have mutual friends? I must admit I'm a little taken aback to be given an award by someone I don't know. I know that's how the blogging world is, still, it's a first for me. I don't how long you've been reading my blog, so you may not have noticed, but I don't do these award things. I hope that doesn't offend you, I just prefer to blog for blogging's sake, if I started getting into the awards, I just know my massive ego would take over, I'd spend way too much time trying to come up with bigger and better, and in the end my family would suffer. I'm really trying hard to just keep it as a family journal of sorts. Hope that's ok with you, and thanks again, you flatter me! :) ps, you can email me back, I added my address to this comment.
Thanks so much for the award! That is really nice!
Oh thanks! You're a sweetie!
ok. so sorry to freak out. I just couldn't find your name anywhere, and I didn't recognize your photo. btw, you're not the only reason, there are a couple more stalkers that won't id themselves, and it's weird. I'll send you an invite if you want to keep reading, B is getting me your email.
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