I mentioned that we have a 9mm locked up at the house but I'd never fired it and wasn't even sure how to use it. I know...I know...if you've got guns you should know how to use them and be safe with them. At that point I figured safe was locked up with a combiniation only my husband and I knew. So my dad said he would be honored to show me how to care for the gun, shoot it, clean it, store it, etc. This week was the time. My dad brought up several of his own guns and gave my kids and my sister and me two days of instruction. The culmination of the training was a trip to the shooting range.
Me and my dad.
(The head shots are his the rest are my shots)
Pretty dang good I think.
Me and my sister
I definately out scored her.
Bad Guys better watch out 'cause I will stop 'em if they try to mess with me or my family!
1 comment:
Nicely done!
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