Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yin and Yang

Earlier this week I was so proud and was bragging about how wonderful my son is and how wonderful his friends are. Well he/they have shown me the yin to their yang.

Curfew 11:00pm. At 11:03 I call SUPERSTAR. He says he's on his way home. He comes in the house, out of breath and sweating. Apparently he'd run all the way. I'm thinking 'cause he's trying to make curfew, right? Apparently not. 11:20ish I'm in bed, trying to get to sleep. SUPERSTAR comes in turns on the light and says, "Mom, I need you to be cool about this."

pause: now I ask you what am I supposed to think when faced with this? "be cool?" I'm not "cool."

"What's going on? What did you do?"

He explains to me that he and his friends had shot a nerf gun (the kind that send out those small, foam, suction tipped darts) at a passing car. Police were in the neighborhood chasing them. He tells me they only shot two darts.

So apparently his sprint home was the result of this episode. All the boys except one were home. This young man was hiding in some bushes at the end of our street, scared to death and out of breath. He'd just talked to SUPERSTAR on the phone and he was practically crying because he didn't know how he was going to get home. SUPERSTAR tells me that he thought about taking ("stealing") our car to go get him, but didn't. (thank goodness) Ya, now that would have got him bound and gagged and grounded for the rest of his life. No need to be scared of the police, mom would have been worse.

He told his friend to come to our back door and SUPERSTAR was asking me to drive him home.

So least you start to believe my wonderful son to be a saint-know that he won't be translated any time soon. (Or leaving the house)

So here's a the BIG question. What would you do?

I have had an opportunity to speak with some of the boys who were there that night. NONE have shared the experience with thier parents. I suggested to each of them that they "come clean" to mom and dad. They each thought I was out of my mind, there was no way they were going to tell their parents. Now, if it were my son another parent knew something like this about I would hope they would let me know.

So what do you think? What would you do? If this is familiar to you, what have you done? This whole parenting teens is "crazy".


Becky Frame said...

First of all, it's so great that your son told you. That's awesome.

I read your post to a couple of my friends who are parents of teens, and they had an immediate response: they've learned it's not a good idea to tell the other parents. It never goes well. The other parents have a tendency to view you as a tattletale, they don't believe you, they say your kid is lying because their kid said it happened differently, etc. They said even their close friends never respond well. So they've learned that unless the teen is involved in something life-threatening or they're endangering themselves (i.e. smoking pot), they stay completely out of it. To quote them, "You can't parent their kids." And they agree with you: parenting teens is mentally *EXHAUSTING*!

tammy said...

Oh what I have to look forward to!

Hmm....I would maybe suggest to my son's friends again that they should tell their parents before they hear it from "someone" else. See if they get the hint. As a parent, I would want to know, too. But I do remember back to a time my best friend and I were practicing driving her parents car around the neighborhood without permission, and someone told our parents. Of course, I wasn't happy and thought that person should've minded their own business....but that was then!
I think it's hard to want to be the cool mom, but also being responsible. I'm still learning.

On the upside, at least it was only Nerf guns, and at least he told you. That shows he's still the Superstar.

Let us know how you end up handling this one.

FallFleur said...

I really appreciate the words of wisdom you sought from those experienced parents. Thank you so much for passing those on to me.

Thanks for the personal example. Too often it's easy to forget what it was like to be a teen.

Both of you,
Thank you for your added perspective and your reasonable and rational responses. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're awesome!

Crazymamaof6 said...

ok. first off. totally not offended on the movie review. i asked, and yes totally agree on the message in the movie. i did find a little too much truth ion everyone getting fat if they floated around on hover chairs. anyway. not offended. glad you got the same message. i usually just take it for what it is, and don't think deeply on the hidden meaning. thus no statement on it.

and love your Regina Spektor song. totally feeling it! love her!

and thanks for coming by, and linking to me! i had to giggle that i fit under inspiring!