Monday, June 30, 2008

Reducing Screen Time

For the last several months there has been a push for the youth in our church to reduce their "screen time" ie: cell phones, text messaging, TV, video games, ipods, computers, etc. Yesterday in church a similar challenge was issued to the entire congregation. Beginning on July 6th, one week from today, we were asked to turn off TV and video games for four weeks. Instead we were counseled to spend more time together as families. It was suggested that we participate in community activities and service. But, the main suggestion was that we spend time reading good books as families and as individuals. A goal of a total of 500,000 pages be read during that month, to be spread among our congregation and several others who were also challenged to participate.

When we got home yesterday we discussed this challenge as a family. There was definitely some resistance but for the most part everyone is on board. I've asked each of the kids to make some book choices they would like to read as a family during this time. But, honestly, only SUNSHINE is likely to come up with some. She's my "reader", the others not so much.

I figure we'll read some scripture, maybe some CS Lewis, I've heard The City of Ember is a good one (and there's a movie about it coming out soon), The Twilight series has created great controversy between my girls and me, one of my favorites To Kill a Mocking Bird, but beyond that, I could use a bit of help.

So I need some suggestions. My kids are between the ages of 9 and 16 (that's 4th-10th grade). I defiantly need some things funny, some things engaging, maybe some classics, but mostly some books everyone would enjoy. It'd be great to have something that gets us all laughing (I think Hank the Cow Dog might be a bit too young).

What are your picks? Help a sister out.


Becky Frame said...

This might be a long shot, but my whole family (there were six of us kids--4 boys, 2 girls) enjoyed listening to my dad read the clean comedy novels of Patrick F. McManus. They're about his life growing up out West and all the crazy shenanigans he got himself into as a kid. Totally hilarious. And an easy read. And of course there's always Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, but you already mentioned classics. And when I was 10 or 11, I really enjoyed the Stonewycke Trilogy and Stonewycke Legacy by Michael Phillips and Judith Pella.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

What a great challenge! We don't watch a lot of TV, but we do more in the summer, because it's hot out and because we have more time on our hands. I may bring this idea up at FHE tonight.

tammy said...

Blogging's not included in that right?

That sounds like a fabulous challenge! I love to read and so do my boys once I drag them off their computers. I'm trying to reduce the time they spend doing that stuff too. And since the only thing we can do outside right now is swim, we've been trying to find some other indoor activites. Hmmm...I'll start thinking of some good books for you.

Our challenge from the bishop yesterday was for our ward to get 500 names ready to take to the temple, using the new website that a few of the temples have implemented. ( I'm excited to check it out. I guess that means I won't be cutting down my computer time. But that's different, right?

Lisa said...

We all read, but that challenge would kill us. We really like to play video games together as a family and today we are on our way out to see Wall-E. So.... My kids loved Eragon. They also love Charlie Bone and Leven Thumps. Hope those are some you haven't read. Oh, Molly Moon has been a hit here, too. Good luck!

FallFleur said...

Thank you thank you. These sound like some wonderful books. I'm planning a trip to the library tomorrow. I'll let you know what I was able to get.

Becks, I also grew up in a family with six cool. Visiting back home now is so much fun. I like my bros and sistas so much more now than I did then. Thanks for the suggestions. I've not heard of McManus sounds like he'll be right up our ally. And, the Stonewyck books should keep us busy.

Jen, sometimes I wish this challenge was issued during school. We definatley watch more TV when schools out.

Tammy, I'm justifying my continued blogging with the July Ensign article pg58. Whether this qualifies or not I'm too addicted to stop now.

Lisa, good stories: liked Eragon but not the sequel, Leven thumps will be fun, never heard of Molly Moon or Charlie Bone -we'll give them a try.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

We love the Bunnicula series at our house. They are targeted to about 5th graders, but they are funny on many different levels, so I enjoy them myself.