Monday, May 26, 2008


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Here's my SUNSHINE! She has a lot of great games. Last night she hit a double, caught with precision behind the plate and ran the bases like a pro.

She has got a lot of personality and has put it into her playing. Her skills with the ball are so much fun to watch. Here's one of the great things about my girl. She is so great at playing "her" game. Regardless of the way a game is going or the outcome, she is in there doing "her job". She is not one to gloat or to pout. She just enjoys the action, the competition and the sport. I'm really proud of her...'cause this is not something that has come natural to her. The first couple of years playing were quite rough, emotionally. But she's learned how to not "get all up in her head" and just play the game and love it.

Way to go SUNSHINE!

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